My First Half of 2021 Review Round-Up
It’s hard for me to believe that 2021 is halfway over. It’s bizarre really, but I’m excited. Watching much of the world begin to move again fills me with hope, but I’m cautious. It almost as if we’re all butterflies who’ve just emerged from our chrysalises of collective grief waiting for our wings to dry to then figure out the whole flying thing. Anyway, during these past few months of metamorphosis, reading books has been one of the few things keeping me at least a semblance of sane. My pace of reading has slowed down a bit since picking up on some writing projects, but I’m fortunately still on track to meet my Goodreads goal for the year. 20 books down and 20 to go! I don’t leave reviews for all the books I read and/or listen to, but I’m trying to get into the habit of doing so more often. Reviewing books helps me grow as a reader and a writer and also, it’s a lot of fun! So without further ado, here are the books I’ve reviewed during the first half of 2021…