My 2022 in Books
Holy smokes… 2022 was definitely one for the books.
I read A LOT more than I thought I would this year. For some reason, especially as pandemic restrictions eased up, I thought I would spend less time reading and more time out and about. But I ended up reading more, going outside more, and reading outside more. Truly a beautiful combination. And reading 12 books more than my reading goal, (I aimed for 40 and reached 52 [~ 1 book/week]), was possible because the ever iconic medium of AUDIOBOOKS!

My Hindsight of 2020 in Reviews
As the queen of puns, all throughout college, I would talk about how my classmates and I all had “2020 vision.” Needless to say, 2020 hasn’t been anything like I had envisioned, but I’ve still gleaned some positive things from it. In the midst of so much not making any sense, I’ve developed a more profound appreciation of books and stories than ever before. I was more intentional in setting aside time to read for fun and documenting my thoughts as narratives unfolded. This was the first year I really leaned into using Goodreads, reveling in book challenges, digital shelves, giveaways, recommendations, and of course, reviews. Here’s a curated list of 10 reviews of books I read in 2020…