A Writer's 23rd Birthday Declaration
Kyra Dawkins Kyra Dawkins

A Writer's 23rd Birthday Declaration

Today is my 23rd  birthday. This is what my family calls the Psalm 23, LeBron James, and Michael Jordan year,  a year of intentionality and transformation. Admittedly, I'm excited and scared. If 2020 taught me anything, it’s that I'm not always entitled to the plans I make in life and that even the most quotidian things shouldn't be taken for granted. Over these past couple of months,  I have been sketching my next novel,  drafting a couple of sections at a time. Right now, the novel has the working title Behold Azara’s Blaze. But if I'm being honest with myself, I haven’t been working on this next writing project in earnest. I’m nervous about entering into the creative process while establishing necessary boundaries for myself. 

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A Bit About Me: 25 of My Favorite Things
Kyra Dawkins Kyra Dawkins

A Bit About Me: 25 of My Favorite Things

In a world of heightened content creation and consumption, sometimes it is easy to slip into seeing yourself in terms of the content you share. That’s all too true for me at least… A lot of my friends have mentioned dealing with something similar as they’ve presented themselves on different platforms. But you know what? Sometimes, I think we all need to remind ourselves and our broader audiences that we are all whole human beings and not just sources of specific types of content. In curating my “I”, I am not obligated to fit inside of any fixed mold all the time. NO ONE IS! So, I wanted to share this silly and somewhat random post because I wanted to share more of myself with you all in a less filtered way. Without further ado, here are 25 of my favorite things…

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